Saturday, May 15, 2010


Hey guys, welcome to my new blog. I have been wanting to create a general blog like this for a while now, I just really wanted to share all my cooking experiences as well as my life as a new gardener, greener living and well a place where I could just blog about LIFE in general.

I really have a lot of passion for many different things, I guess crafty things you could say, and artistic too. Obviously my biggest passion of all is my family, without them I would not be inspired to do other things, after having my first child almost 5 years ago really got me passionate about photography, I wanted to capture every day from the moment he was born, I still feel like I don’t have enough photos of my kids! ha ask those who know me and they will tell you that I am just a little obsessed, my eyes are like the viewfinder on the camera, always finding something interesting to photograph no matter where I am.

Cooking is another thing I like to do, I am no pro but I get around the kitchen really well and I love trying new different things, a lot of friends are always asking me about my recipes and what I cook for my family so I thought it would be a good start to share recipes on this blog, I do a lot of italian cooking, with a little polish cooking and anything that I like, I love baking too and I am in the process of testing new recipes that I hope everyone will love!

Gardening is something that I always loved but never was good at, somehow this year I am getting the hang of it, I finally have my on vegetable/herb garden and I am loving it, I haven’t done much harvesting yet but I am not ready to give up! Fl is hot, perhaps not the best spot to grow veggies but its not impossible.

LIFE well living green, we recycle, we started to compost and I just want to share my experience and hopefully teach others to help Mother Earth and take good care of her.

HUGS and LOVE to all.

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